Mikhail Chugunkov

poslegm@gmail.com ⊕ https://github.com/poslegmhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/poslegm

Work Experience

  • auto.ru (August 2019 ― Now)
    • Scala developer (August 2019 ― October 2020)
    • Руководитель группы (October 2020 ― Now)
  • Scala developer at metacommerce.ru (January 2017 ― July 2019)
    Metacommerce is a software company which provides price monitoring SaaS for largest Russian retailers.
    Technologies: Scala, Akka, Monix, Elasticsearch, ClickHouse, Redis, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ExtJS, Node.js
    During the work at Metacommerce I implemented: price analytics module based on ClickHouse RDBMS; streaming processing of raw data (about 200 millions documents per day) that allowed us to scale main business operations easily; clustering millions of images; and lot of routine tasks.
    Also I actively participated in the engineering culture development within my team.

  • Backend developer at «Svoi Rodnoi Dom» (January 2016 ― July 2016)
    Small real estate agency. I made a web application for property search using Scala, Play Framework, PostgreSQL. I was engaged in testing, application deployment and database administration.


Advanced: Scala (Akka, Monix, cats), Elasticsearch, ClickHouse, Kafka, Redis, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL
Basic: JavaScript (Node.js), Java, Kotlin, Python, Go, C++


Open Source
  • scalameta ― I actively participated in the development of the code formatter scalafmt and its ecosystem in 2019-2020 period. I became the maintainer of the project and a member of the scalameta organization;
  • scala-phash ― my Scala port of the library that allows to compare images by hash codes;
  • I spend a part of my free time for Open Source contributions; my progress can be tracked at GitHub.
  • Lil Functor ― Telegram-channel about software development (800+ subscribers, in russian).


Bauman Moscow State Technical University Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (2014 ― 2018, unfinished)
Key courses: Algorithms and Data Structures, Compiler System Design, Computer Graphics, SICP.